Walking Miracles

And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it’s time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women- Tupac Shakur, Keep Your Head Up

Somehow, she is the forgotten and less celebrated

Taken for granted and underappreciated

Viewed as a second-class, an afterthought

Inferior to her macho counterparts

Constantly fighting a struggle for equality

Yet, her perseverance endures

Her sacrifices too great to highlight

Selflessness can only be defined through her actions

Compassion a natural by-product of her loving demeanor

Sacrificing her career, her past times, her goals to bring new life to the world

Carrying this being with unbounded courage and strength

An unmovable rock she asks nothing in return

Yet she patiently gives and gives

We have much to learn from this walking miracle

Still to this day, she must wait for her chance to lead and not be second-guessed

She must accept that her y-chromosomed “superiors” will only let her fly so high

Defiant and persevering she keeps on grinding

She proves that miracles aren’t a rarity, rather a norm

Miracles aren’t a rarity, rather a norm

She’s walking for now, but the pace is quickening

Until the day she runs and jumps so high, her wings spread and she flies.

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