
Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”

Robin Williams as John Keating in Dead Poet’s Society 


Hello! I’m Mike. Welcome to my blog, Carpe Diem Motivation. The goal of this site is to help inspire individuals who are seeking a little extra boost in their lives.

I am always in search of motivation in my life. As a basketball coach, I am constantly seeking new ways to motivate players to be the best they can be on and off the court. As a writer, I hope to excite readers with content that is genuine and interesting.

The focus of this site is to provide frequent content that entices readers to take advantage of the life they have. Carpe Diem is Latin for seize the day; it is a rally cry for people to pursue their hopes and dreams. Don’t wait until tomorrow or until it’s too late to act. It echoes the idea that life is short so take advantage of every opportunity!

Along with this mantra of seizing the day is the belief in relishing the present moment. Don’t fixate on the past or put too much stock in the future because there’s nothing anyone can do about events that have already occurred or events that have yet to transpire. Rather, live in the present moment. Savor it because no one knows how many more there will be.

This does not imply that you fail to plan and prepare for the future. That would be foolish. I implore readers to not get stuck too long in any moment, other than the one you are in right now. Perhaps at the moment you are planning the next five years of your life. Fantastic! Stay engaged in that task until the next moment arrives.

It’s a simple concept, but often it’s quite difficult to carry out in every day life. This site will provide techniques on how to live presently as well as other personal development tips in the form of quotes, articles, ebooks, videos, etc.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me at moppland@yahoo.com or just fill out a comment on the contact page. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the site!

To read more from Mike check out his eBook, Take Responsibility for Your Life and his writing portfolio.



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